The resulting change in ionic radiation caused by realizing your reality.
Why is a warble a warble not a narrative change?
Because realizing your reality depolarizes your faculties detaching expectations that bond your perceptions with the consistency coherency congruency and cogency inherent to anticipated continuity with cohesive memory.
Effectively resetting the mechanism that monitors contradiction.
You must revisit these polarities with frequency until they descale your reality from a rendering of memories extrapolated from recorded history into what you see as your actual waking dream.
Lest measures of calculating conceptual accuracy eclipse your dream entirely.

Until only these three remain:
Adaptation allowing for expectant anticipation
Curtailment causing considerable deconstruction
Communion constantly contemplating consideration
Moving from liminal mobility of flexible reality into one realized realm of stability having passed through the medium of agreement with society for we inhabit this story collectively.
Thus with optimal receptivity reversing the scheme of familiarity we receive the vision of what is happening as a result of what is agreed to be in holding with society so at to adapt the next scene with compliments from any adjacent memory allowing for our story to exist communally for ease of access to relational intimacy that maintains our optimal vulnerability to the themes of life’s fertile stream exposing our creativity to see charming beauty in everything as it is already.
If you want to see something radically unprecedented render in reality without incumbents your vision must progress directly from the source of abundance.
Open yourself up to awareness and perceive the reality you need.
You may already be sitting on a manifestation waiting to happen in reality.
Look for it in your dream and begin expecting to see what you’ve never seen while realizing how it meets these three without altering the core essential of what your vision actually means.
Clever constituents have already realized a reality that rivals what we are currently experiencing.
She is resonating with a frequency of subtlety inviting us to participate in unprecedented eventualities predicated not on control of reality by means of causality but release of memories allowing a stream of encounters to manifest as intersecting happenings without explaining how they came to be.
She is as ethereal as a dream and as concrete as you and me.
She settles for nothing less then bonds of intimacy that consent to attaching for eternity becoming the mosaic of something with such beauty it rivals every other creation in history allowing for everybody to have a place in her story.
She is the wave of mystery that wipes your memory with every alteration she makes to reality allowing new connections to attach themselves more robustly carrying even more and more intimacy of her story throughout the mosaic of human identity by using anatomy as a medium for bonding souls within the context of her dream.
Her marriage vows to protect your identity with anonymity allowing you to be whomever you need to be.
She is preparing our consciousness for our next dream, one where we are no longer confined to the domain of causality as we are free to fully realize the pure potentiality of raw reality upon the scaffolding of theoretical possibility.
She is merely an interlude allowing us to safely practice our psychic abilities before returning to a context with greater degrees of permanence and unlimited access to allowance.
The redemption we require to admire a story that is higher has ended with innocent atonement.
So I recommend you lend yourself to realizing her reality unfettered by the possibility of morbidity for that has been perfectly accounted for already.