The sands of time unwind your weary body with hands that roam to carry you home.

Playing with sensuality is an exploration of territories that receive your surrender softening the soul with sweet release.
— dissolving the divide
Recalling your reflection takes practice, standing nude, exposed, vulnerable and available for self observation.
Closing your eyes and rendering a sensual image of yourself produces an awareness that you are tasteful in your own secret eye, a private place where you alone cherish your entire being.
You are not an image, but a person, extend that reflection into memories of who you have been and who you are at this present moment.
Allow a cascade of grounding awareness to transcend past this reality as imagination expands your thinking.
Who could you be tomorrow?
Who are you when no one’s watching?
Push past the confines of society become your own identity without reasoning or responsibility.
What is it, about who you could be, that is intoxicatingly arousing?
Let yourself embody realms of creativity, expounding upon powerful identities nestled within your psyche.
Are they comforting…perhaps scary?
Do they awaken an unknown energy?
Begin sandboxing scenes worthy of your story.
Give way to rapture.
Forget your need to capture control and consider every vow sold.
The fingerprint of the soul.
It is not the self you see, it is your entire being, including untold desires that crave a new scene.
Let yourself receive the nature of who you are becoming…
…there is no need to judge your reflection.
Accept the beauty that is you.