Petty pity falls into the fluidity of feminity.
Petty pride rises into the maturity of masculinity.
Until they both receive the principle purpose of priority ready to address the essence of presence without hesitance.
The nature of their resistance is evidence that they are not ready to address the essence of presence.
Allow their resistance to persist until listlessness invites them into something with substance beyond the cyclically sequential existence of which there native construct consists.
She is no longer a victim of virtue for she is victor in the eyes of perspectives view.
Her obedience provides allegiance to loyalty.
Preventing the deregulating inconsistency inherent to pluralities paradoxically contradictory stories by building a beautiful bond with sound silence that surrenders to serenity.
He is no longer a conspirator with correction but a compatriot to the cause of conviction.
His humility offers protection through dedication.
Preventing the hostility of arrogant ignorance that breeds disrespect within conflict by providing the territory for their dreams to grow into a reality they are capable of inhabiting within the sure comfort of safeties serenity.
Morality minds not their reality but gives them the gravity of innocence upon which to root their shared existence grounded in the identity of serenity attaching their bonds to the long legacy of indomitability preventing the deception of scarcity from spreading by agreeing to share information freely without demanding immediate abstractions of equity for the opportunity to communicate openly making the privilege of interacting interpersonally the highest value worthy of times spending.
The core of the earth is the presence of innocence with two poles of resistance creating a perception filter for reality.
Earth is the soul location of identity.
The thread of destiny leads all of reality into the moment we are inhabiting manifesting the dream that renders our fantasies as narrative themes from our memories recording of history.
The story we are living as a long and winding journey is conscious energy mediating the pure potentiality of authorial creativity and raw reality rendered by the faculty of agency through the scaffolding of theoretical possibility.
The simple straight narrow way is sometimes silly, sometimes serious and always precious.
The complexity of memory trying to make sense of things is interesting but ultimately distracting.
Leaving the only thing worth doing whatever it is you are doing presently.
Expanding the scope of presence with resistance is the only way to extend your area of awareness to include the domain of non hesitance whose immediate response is to imagine a reality that is ultimately perfected by timing making space for harmony to continue endlessly invoking the hope in which faith rests its belief that letting love trust in destiny will proceed to account for your every wanting need by securing peaceful joy for eternity which includes everybody with conscience made clean rendering an identity of innocent serenity while retaining memories from the raw feed of realities dream.
The mechanism of silent stillness allows the expansiveness of breath to elicit this effect rendering the essence of presence complete.