Savoring ceremony favors the journey.
You are arriving where you are presently, having departed from memory into memory.
Be present where you are becoming and you’re regrets will leave without entering.
Everything you need is happening.
Observe yourself observing the very essence of arriving and the fate of destiny will shine upon this moment as the pot of gold beneath an eternal rainbow whose ribbon leads in every direction back to your present place of being.
You are never leaving nor departing from any state of being other then the one you presently have been occupying.
The state of affairs in every place you visit is the present moment of your memory.
Take time to sit and be and you will see that every nuanced detail of ceremony is worth savoring.
If you wish again to experience this state of affairs you will see the condition in which it is presently.
Start by accepting them as they be and begins an inspiring sense of harmony that you yourself are curating.
Think not of yourself as anybody but everybody who will visit this dream in an endless sequence of memories populated by eternal beings.
Leave behind the idea of you and me, embrace the mysterious we and soon you will see clothed in glory a host of endless beings occupying every memory of your private dream, bringing with them the presence of observing.
So ask yourself how would you like to leave your current state of affairs worthy of presenting.
You are these infinite and eternal beings they are the myriad of visitations as action potential vibrates across these connections of disparate dreams.
Do you leave these dendrites seated right as the fight for context in the story that is next?
You are every memory, reoriented with belonging as the present moment unfolds yet another story.
You are experiencing yourself navigating the corridors of history to arrive at this present memory as you depart every last thing you’ve begun remembering across the vastness of history.
The legacy of your making is the creation of fertile beauty that graces the corridors of your memory adorning everything with charming accents that lead you ever more excitedly to revisit these as you continue to exist ever more presently.
The end of the story is a complete journey.
One where you loved ever presently in every waking dream, leaving not an iota of memory forgotten from the cascade that parades forth your conscious presence aware of what is happening.
The opportunity for another complete story begins before you even realize you are exhaling this present memory.
Think of yourself as starting on the perimeter of an ever expanding sphere from there you are conscious as every entity that propagates in accordance with increased circumferencing with each breath you breathe you lend your energy, surging forth into the center of this memory reinforcing every connecting dream along the way never departing any entry that is but the beginning of another dream until you find yourself at the verge of realizing you’ve already begun exhaling as exhilarating withdrawal of centrality begins shuttering the windows of each ignored door compartmentalizing unvisited territories of forgotten things and integrating every corridor whose floors are warmed by the presence of visiting.
Is your present story worth inhaling, this ever present memory of a waking dream that you find yourself inhabiting?
Are you observing every nuanced detail worth savoring?
Or are you laboring forward as if another reward awaits?
By then it’s to late... you’ve realized the reward of hate has harbored a bitter taste making this memory a waste as you exhale another forgotten place.
Such is the natural pace of the human race, nothing more then ones own face emanating eternal grace.