Invited to lead
The journeyman invited the apprentice to lead…”as you lead” said the journeyman, “you must follow yourself with absolute sincerity. You must cast off competition for it will breed only fearful suspicion and from there you will begin to doubt and within doubt comes despair and from despair comes regret and regret creates a debt you’d rather forget and so you will cling, grasping for something to explain the reason for your suffering, you will begin anxiously longing for purpose for meaning, craving a direction for your life’s story, even if only to slumber soundly at its ending, you will be comforted by misery in your journey who is leading you to the door of death and from these depths you will find pity speaking words of vanity that soothe your guilty heart and you will grow greedy which will invite all sorts of haunting memories, long forgotten will be the dreams for which you were heading, alone and lost in a tragedy, this will be the story of your own making, so open not that graven door of suspicion ignore her completely and you will find curiosity inspiring you with creative conviction informing your every sense of agency. You will lead your story to far greater heights then your wildest imagining and you will never sit wondering when the story of your journey will begin unfolding, this my apprentice is why I have invited you to lead, for I have grown weary and cast open the doors of suspicion, suspecting that you would lead far better then me. Betray the roles of duty and responsibility, forget even me, beneath every breath you breathe is joy proceeding as your true sense of being, follow her leading and give no reason for loving, simply exist without explaining yourself to anybody, learn from me and lose your mistaken identity the shadows that are haunting have taught you to seek out memories that demand boundaries, agree instead with unity and you will truly be set free to enjoy the ecstasy of being happy as a fully whole and complete being, who has integrated every part of your story into the corporate body that respirates untold tales of felicity. Live in the luxury of yourself for this is your wealth of health.”