Taken advantage of... do you feel that knot forming in your stomach?
The memory of every time you held your soul up to expectation and felt bitter tines of disappointment betray the way your dreams had hoped to someday become a reality... that flavor of despair is a taste in your mouth that has led you not to care nor to share as generously as your heart wishes to give away every thread of its own energy without thought of how it may someday lead to the loss of such a precious energy as being in love with the very breath you breathe.
The wicked fingers of frost that have gripped every branching wing within your lungs cavity is melting as I begin speaking of the luxury that so few touch and even fewer still are willing to make true in their own perspectives view. You see that melting feeling of gravity that makes its way into your gut has nothing to do with the way life has treated your body nor the lack of emotion you’ve been willing to give to connections with friends and family... it is the unity of knowing that I am as you are me... wandering along the path of this blessed and mysterious journey we call some semblance of realities dream... and until our heart has its awakening we are a slave to driving minds stuck in our stomach exceedingly crazy with the vision of existing that has grown dreary and hazy.
Unknown homes for the heart are majestic in form making space for ones own spiritual art a daily norm... you as a practitioner of health know no greater wealth then self assured confidence that the next turns unnerving curve will swerve toward benign territory ripe with the very provision you’ve been most desperately lacking in your memory, nothing haunts your deity nor shrouds humanity from the story of abundance that dresses your body with flesh and fills your lungs with air and yet you are unaware of how such a thing could come to pass while you slumber silently soothed by every respiration’s resonate cacophony repeating as reverberating energy whose waves sway your being to rely upon nothing more then rhythms of rhyme that take time to ignore, then and only then will you adore the reason for which we are living here on the edge of destiny for a season... we are persuaded not by pride nor any longer hide inside a need to excise demons that haunt our capacity for conceiving of such notions as agency... now taking your leave from scarcity, bowing beneath the knees of eternity you find a comforting jewel that makes life worth enduring despite its eternal cruelty... you are trusting that the melted form of your mind has melded with itself and mended the crimes of eternity forever and always throughout this waking dream you call reality.