We are the post church generation.
Standing in the wake of our psyches’ greatest experiment with conscious awareness.
We have learned the lessons of a life time in a short span of time, allowing the kindness of the mind to unwind the tines of death that once clung to us.
What awaits us now is the mere preamble to bliss! A place of comfort and convenience with all the luxuries of privilege and ignorance lest we convey a sense of purpose to those that follow us.

May we then lead humbly unto the veil of mystery as we innocently learn the curiosities of what it means to be me absent the voyeurism of our deity, having realized they were always me combined with the conditioning of my ever present caregivers and community, but now I, both you and me are free to explore what it truly means to be, to be free, to be me, innocently, empathically and sincerely self.
The vanity of local identity is dead and done in every possible way along with every single role we once pretended to play.
Now the only thing we take seriously is the future of our progeny and the vitality of our matrimony by coming to terms with our genetic ancestry by redefining the meaning of marriage and family as a non—nuclear reality.