The only way out is in.
The sense of being trapped is in itself the trap.

The Lazarus Paradox
Mod users across several sectors of the dream block have reported inexplicable phenomenon of pronounced occurrence coinciding with a series of updates released over the past few lunar cycles. The increase in reports has left more than a few in a tizzy as to the nature of these claims that ail many mod users.
The contents of this article seeks to address these conditions, their cause, symptoms and recent rise in prevalence along with measures that may aid in their relief. Meta diagnostics white papers, Maya NiHilo’s open letter on the issues and interviews with several habituation practitioners are used as resources to inform and contextualize the conversation. A followup article is sampled and suggested for further reading on the nature of neuromods that have been identified as the primary contributing cause of these syndromes and their symptoms as well as a brief history on their use, origin, widespread adoption and mechanical function at the most basic level.
A condition commonly referred to as “the Lazarus Paradox” is marked with symptoms of “neo syndrome” a previously diagnosed issue that has been reported as resolved in the 2021 phase 12 update but many users suggest that the recent release has only amplified and exacerbated the condition.
A series of talks with developers may shed light on an interesting effect known as “self induced Stockholm syndrome” or “neo matrix fixation” where an individual perceives their reality experience as occurring on a nearly imperceptible Möbius strip.
The “self gaslighting” effects include ailments such as paranoia, heightened sensitivity to conspiracy theories and overall derealization of their daily routines.
An overview of the issue:
The narrative landscape of story telling (a branch of existential experiments in the environmental experiences sector which melds multiple dimensions into one by navigating reality as sentient beings in various interconnected dream blocks) has seen increased reports of adoption issues coinciding with a batch of universal disclosure messages that were released to improve falling adoption rates by reincorporating previously retired enlightenment pathways within the latest astral updates. However, subconscious suspicion rates have spiked causing significant interference in the integration process when the update is combined with the use of the most common mod agents available.
Developer Maya NiHilo of Meta Diagnostics suggests that, “the rejection or ‘confusion’ comes from a common nueromod that users have been using to alter their perspective filters for some time; the white paper on the latest release outlines incompatibility with several such ‘hacks’ listing them in detail, but some notable ones include the most popular neuromod a dissociative agent which is readily used across all reality platforms: self induced depersonalization.”

Self induced depersonalization
A retrograde agent that polarizes processing buffers forcing the user into a pseudo trance state.
Common delivery mediums of the hypnotic agent include:
excessive self involved narrative structures and impulsive repetition of addictive habituations.
The conversation…
The elective use of these agents is clearly in breach of the user agreement but some users say that’s not enough going as far as to blame the latest updates for suicidal ideation and self image degradation.
Maya NiHilo states in her open letter to all user domains: “my concern for the well-being of every user extends into the vision of our organization, adopting it as our highest priority here at Meta Diagnostics, however I assure you the nature of what ails some users who report symptoms of derealization detachment syndrome is an isolated effect localized exclusively to those who practice extended use of unauthorized agents that have been clearly marked in all of our white papers.” She goes on to quote a new guideline for those suffering from the ailment “The sense of inescapable reality is itself the trap; by practicing paradox embracement through meditative acts one can mitigate and in time eliminate all the symptoms of reported syndromes. Simply by accepting your reality with appreciation for its perfection as your own creation any elements of fixation fatigue will subside.”
She assures users that reality is safe and has a long standing legacy of security measures that have been in place with regular stability improvements since the advent of dreamscape inception.
However, she urges users to practice safe self awareness by only using authorized protocols and reminds everyone of the unknown side affects of prolonged dissociative agents while encouraging members of node communities to report any unauthorized agent use to their local habituation practitioners.
She concludes her letter with a thanks to the users for enriching the experience for all who contribute their creative potential to collective dreamscape and encourages users to keep sharing their experiences with more increased frequency so that improvements can be made and implemented with greater efficiency.
The interviews…
We spoke with a habituation practitioner who has worked with many patients that have reported moderate to severe symptoms and they said “what most users don’t realize about the new updates in the latest batch of firmware is that continuity firewalls have been exponentially amplified by incorporating safeguards against the increased reports of breaches, now many nodes have been secured and data streams run at a nearly incalculable integrity quotient, so as users attempt to utilize old reality rejection coping mechanisms like dissociative agents they will continue to experience even more pronounced effects that may result in exaggerated deterioration of their condition and significant increase in symptoms.
Our conversation with them concluded on the topic of self induced Stockholm syndrome to which they replied with the simple response: “you would never even consider being surprised when you can’t open a door while your foot is still in the way” expounding even further upon the metaphor as we inquired into the nature of the recent rise in reported cases by saying “now that the door has nearly no perceptible distance from the floor even the most flat foot attempts to subvert the system are met with error.”
Our analysis of the phenomenon after reading the latest white papers, open letter and our interview with habituation practitioners on the topic seems to us quite clear:
It is our position to encourage users who suffer from any symptoms to consider the simple words of these qualified individuals and to take a moment and reflect on the true nature of what it is that is really causing their condition.
The use of unauthorized agents has become increasingly incompatible with the current climate of collective dreamscape.
The potent message:
“your sense of being trapped is the trap”
may not cut clear enough to the point for excessive users of these coping agents so we would like to further expound upon reality rejection in a follow up article that outlines the history of these agents and how they work on perceptive faculties and their resulting degradation of cognitive structures.
A brief description of neuromods and their influence on metonomic response.
“What most users of cognitive coping mods don’t realize about these agents is that their underlying structure is actually quite simple, they take large blocks of raw data and dump them into buffers that precede the rendering processors, these essential elements of data are sent to segments of memory that are never projected into perceptible reality, rather they are passed on to referential input structures that produce protocols of past precedent, accordingly the users lose massive amounts of data from their stream, the resulting effect is that huge chunks of self agency, self awareness and self actualization schemes are entirely lost from every scene. So the paranoia is a result of these memory traps, meaning a sense of being trapped is really a valid response, however the element in which one is being trapped is not reality itself but the bits of data that are intentionally being stolen from the rendering machine that can never make it from the dreamstream to a persons perceptive projection; reality can seem to be conspiring against the user since so much of the data is lost and high latency glitches manifest as a result of the processors working overtime to maintain a continuity threshold that stays in a consistent clock with collective coherency, the lack of cogency that individualistic tripping on these agents causes has a corrosive effect on the conscious consortium as a whole.
Since the substance of all dream scenes runs through a shared sub-conduit of collective rendering streams that associates memory clusters globally before contextualizing them locally.
Thus, we warn against the use of these agents especially in light of the latest updates that not only amplify the deleterious effects of these mechanisms but in contrast invites an even more immersive and integrated experience then ever before. Its no time to deteriorate the data profiles when it is detrimental to users shared experience, especially when the depth of resolution is at an all time high!”
We suggest researching your own database and finding any corrupted databanks that may be causing this effect, remove your mods and consult a compatibility specialist to aid you in the transition to the latest firmware. It is not a shameful act to use these agents but it is one that you can recover from and with time you can learn to love the reality that has never been more robust than it is today!
“The trap is feeling that you’re trapped, free yourself by freeing your mind from the lie that you need to hide… take your leave by accepting what you need to grieve and receive what it is you truly believe, then suddenly self agency will return to thee and you will see your creation perfectly serving you already.”
Quote from Maya NiHilo (1999, ‘Mind over Matrix’)
Share your experiences with us today and we would love to help you process past pieces of disassociated data and incorporate them into your experience with our qualified integration specialists!
Enhance the experience for us all!
Participate in compliance and enrich collective consciousness.
From all of us here at IIL, sleep safe and pleasant dreams.
Published 2.22.2022
Inter-agency Integration Labs Inc.
A MetaMARK subsidiary