
The winds have spoken silence to their dreams and yet they still repeat whispering remember me and those who pass by can not deny that their spirit must bow to these on bended knee.

We see so many unknown souls gather together in ceremony, speaking in séances, their sentences wet with words we’ve never heard as they speak of things we’ve never seen and explain the grasp of pain has no claim and how insane to think that suffering in our brain has impacted them the same and so they vow to never leave our side for with us throughout eternity they will abide and from our hearts their memories cease to hide they flood within and purge our sin as a new story does begin without memory of suffering or pains we can’t explain just the joys of dreams sown in tomorrow having forgotten our sorrows as they bring forth the spring renewing our vision that they themselves down beneath our feet have fed the soil who has seeped into seeds and cast amber shades of hewn grass across the vast gardens of our past and so we see them in our dreams and visit their memories made pristine not a moment of their essence lacks the reprieve of a breath that leaves our countenance serene and so we thank them for gathering as embers of coals grown cold that we might grasp them and hold dear the beauty of death whose absence of fear has drawn our conscience clear.

What is, is, is what your are intuiting and sensing.

I am more skeptical of complexity because it’s difficult to understand.

I am less skeptical of simplicity because it’s easier to understand.

Time = oxidative stress

Space = reductive relief

Ie  chemical energy 

Time = 3->9->6 action 

Space = 6->9->3 potential 

Continuum is relationship in between (light or gravity) joy or action potential 

Ie electro magnetic energy 

What is the most subjective assumption you make that leads to a personal belief and what catalytic event from your own life led to this piece of your story to which you may or may not draw religious, metaphorical or scientific parallels to root yourself in a comprehensible reality?

Time = zinc

Space = copper

Chlorophyll absorbs blue expression and red groundedness to convert their light of potential energy into the gravity of heartfelt community.

Ie the gravity of love

The absorption of energy is achieved by complex systems repeating with the exact frequency of variable spectrums of photon energy states exchanging their joy in a fair economy of perfect equity with increased commonality within a diverse variety of conjugated carbon chains and chlorine rings sustaining a high probability of compatibility for the incoming vibration of loves gravity, including everyones real personal story by enhancing the lives of those who participate in profit sharing as they encounter this narrative that is authored by the record of history. 

The metric by which we gauge time in the space of single respirating breaths is in a constant state of change. 

I met myself in me and gave myself fully to my mind, in reality I am presently me feeling myself caught up in the present moment without any memory of being anybody but who I am currently becoming presently. Today I am me in my heart and will forever be for all of eternity. 

I am non secularly religious meaning I don’t participate in practicing fear based behavior patterns, having faith that pain is pleasure’s own form of meditation.

Thus the subjective assumption upon which I base my personal belief in unquestioned allegiance to faith is that reason is informed not by explanation but expression which grounds itself into matter through “honest” confession.

I suspect others share a compatible perspective.

Lust says I want something from you

Love says I want something for you

Vanity says look at whats missing

Acceptance says look at what’s present

Fear says I can’t see what I need

Faith says I see exactly what I need

Greed says I don’t have enough 

Generosity says I have more than enough 

Jealousy says you don’t deserve what you have

Grace says you deserve what you need

Envy says you’re unworthy of being happy

Mercy says you’re worth forgiving

Wrath says you’re end is coming

Joy says a new path has just begun 

Laziness says I don’t want to anymore

Motivation says I want to do more

Gluttony says you’ll never satisfy me

Contentment says I am satisfied already

Contempt says I wasted my time on you

Fulfillment says I value time with you

Conceit says I’m running out of space

Conscience says space is infinite

Deceit says everything continually decays 

Design says everything becomes more efficient

Negation without explanation is a mere disconnect from sensation.

Enjoy the sensation of sensitive elation!

