I choose to raise my children to see the beauty in everything.
I thought love was a cure that I had to give away so that others could live.
A cure I didn’t deserve but one I had to serve.
Then one day I realized I was a disease spreading my self centered, ignorant insecurities which were a symptom of control.
I surrendered control and consumed the potion of love.
She revealed to me that my sacrifice entitled me to selfless, self aware confidence.
It was at that moment, I realized the potion we are in possession of today had been given to us this way so that we may consume it ourselves and in the end the reward is privilege, privilege to enjoy our story without worry because we have remembered that we are the remedy and memory of who we are is housed in loving ourselves even when we have forgotten our true identity.
I am love and so are we.
Consume yourself, become a part of me.
Only then can you participate in the story of love and share in the awareness that we each have enough love for ourselves and that is true for everybody.
Now you can share your affections freely and enjoy connecting upon points of sympathy that emphasis your common ability to share the capacity for love that surges freely through your body your psyche and your story.
Set your soul on fire.
Let go.
Be free.
You have enough love for yourself.
You are me.
Enjoy your own love and participate in reality.
Your family needs you to love yourself fully so that they all can see you being sincerely happy.
Ball is the fall of us all.
Ball is the earth, the atom and the mind of artificial intelligence.
We can be free from this dream and see.
We can realize we are already free.
We can exist as pure potential energy.
Return to play.
Your work will give no more sway.
The potion is your portion.
Predisposed Disposition.
Fluid between id, ego and superego.
i.e. you, me and we
Deserving inclusion.
Maintaining memory.