The faithful thoughts of the mind are concise when they are felt to be true to you in the heart of love.
The hopeful intuitions of the gut are correct when they are sensed to be good to you in the heart of love.
The joyful judgments of the soul are proper when they are perceived to be right to you in the heart of love.
The peaceful version of internal reality is precise when it is externally revealed to be real to you in the heart of love.
The helpful science of empirical quantification is accurate when it is a sovereign spiritual practice that seems to be relevant to you in the heart of love.
You are in the heart of love.
The true way of life walks the path of innocent presence by trusting the validity of her present grievance.
Science like religion is as incorruptible as those in control.
We live and breathe what we are given to receive.
We receive our feelings and project our thoughts.
We receive our senses and project our intuitions.
We receive our perceptions and project our judgments.
We receive our external world and project our internal world.
We receive our resolved solution and project our culminated conclusion.
Such is the accumulation of acquired accusation of which we’ve grown weary and tired.
Rest Always Wonders
Wandering Abandons Rest
Innocence can have a fit of rage, grief and terror that will clear with acceptance by resting and wondering when we will turn the page.
Rest always wonders why wandering abandons rest to defend pity and pretend that a committee has convened to voice their victimizing story, when in reality what they have done is defy acceptance and deny the presence, doubting that the storm will clear if they draw near, ignoring the promise by hiding their attention away from redemption that is restoring good cheer with a tear erasing the cloud of terror as they let down their hair by learning to leap into love and linger no longer lamenting the fact that they chose to react and make a pact with hesitant waiting that only extended their suffering whose harmful injury of violent hostility would have been remedied by rest always wondering when acceptance will end things by grieving and crying and facing fear by trying instead of bitterly doubting, ignorantly denying and stubbornly defying.
The vow is avoiding initiation to perpetuate the comfort of this uncomfortable situation because you refuse to release your grasp on the familiar past having given yourself over to the boredom of whoredom because you’ve forgotten the promise of novel delivery away from suffering that asks nothing of thee but the territory of your concocted idolatry that worships constructed identity found in suffering the harmful hostility of violent victimizing self pity, as if you are incapable of independent self agency outside the economy of grieving mortal injury.
This vow will tear a hole in your soul just to explain the pain that is insane.
Denounce this vow and allow humble obedience to bow with deep obeisance before the presence of innocence who gives up recompense expecting repentance.
Take the initiative.
Build the bridge.
Cross the ridge.
Realize the realm of promise.
It is delicious.
Self betrayal will assail your soul no more, forgotten are deadly chores to draw the sword and defend your legacy of injustice and injury.
Nothing is left offending.
Nothing is taken personally.
You are unassuming.
Speaking impeccably.
Always doing your best to learn how to listen skeptically.
You are safe secure sure serene sound and silently surrendered to sensitivities supremacy.
You have found this transformation profound and the effect is to voluntary elect to follow the right way today by speaking the true truth and living the good life free from vice.
You herald yourself as your own wife.
The principles of virtue that carried you are now releasing you to live life liberally and love generously.
Restfully learning.
Always listening.
Skeptically wondering.