
I am perceiving proper judgment.

I am sensing correct intuition.

I am feeling accurate thoughts.

I am externalizing appropriate internality’s.

I am not avoiding saliency.

I am not clinging to identity.

I am not bored with repeatability.

I am believing the judgment I am perceiving.

I am trusting the intuition I am sensing.

I am accepting the thoughts I am feeling.

Judgment rests just at the verge of perception.

Intuition exists at the edge of sensation.

Thoughts form at the horizon of feeling.

The eventuality of who I am internally is seen externally as who I am already becoming in reality.

I am releasing the internal me that I was given to receive as my reliable identity by allowing the temporary to transform me every time I breathe into another moments ending.

Ennui and happy are not enemies nor distant cousins but share the intimacy of being the same entity.



