Violent hostile dad—supreme ♂️⛢
—The happy harmony of glee— ⚥ ♁
Guilt shame rad—surrender ♂️ ☉
Harm hurt had—silent ♀️ ☽
Injury angry mad—sound ♀️ ☿
Blame debt add—serene ⚥ ♀️
Trauma stress bad—sure ♀️♂️
Suffering sorrow sad—secure ♀️ ♃
Fear pain pad—safe ♂️ ♄
—The grounding gravity of ennui— ⚥ ♇
Weak ignorant lad—sensitive ♂️ ♆
Every territory is one you can learn to occupy comfortably for digesting and integrating without disassociating it as traumatizing.
Though annoyingly inconvenient this disturbance is a fleeting frustration that will pass as a temporary irritant.