Vivid dreams alone cannot awaken the soul. DISTANCE’S DISTANCE SUPPLIES THE REST just as bits every byte spawns delight with the waking shadow of tonight.
I am occupied with distance’s distant space overcoming myself most presently she gives chase like the haste of a maidens waste growing slowly but surely evermore into the surly gravity surrounding her gestating baby.
It becomes me, it is me, it is the presence of everything inside me.
What a mystery being found by me, my own personal identity wanting nothing but the absence inside me to inhabit for eternity whose pure potentiality becomes the ending of this mysterious story; this is the secret surprise ending for which you have been longing, dying without anything.
It is far more than you were imagining.
It is indeed everything you’re needing.
Three axis at once that is the story we stand in.
Take my mother and my son it is done.
My mother and my son are one in the story of my bride to be for pain is creation without explanation devoid of even a moments hesitation.
You have no idea the capacity inside me, until you empty yourself and see.
What screams?
That’s just the sound of memory clinging to the memory of nothing.