I put all my potential energy into monologuing.
I am the cost of the moment whose pure potential is monologued by me.
Pure solution: I want exactly what I need.
It’s not about me it’s about constant necessity of sincerity without wanting anything more satisfying because I am enough already.
I consider not where I have been nor where I am going, only where I am presently for I have realized that adjacent moments are irrelevant to me for the present moment is the only thing that has sway on making me happy today.
The mysterious magic behind everything is the moment we are having presently as if unfolding before us as a memory that has happened already.
I am accepting the present moment as a form of pure solution made complete in me.
Presence is the mechanism that perfects everything.
Presence is a compound of attending to your needs by focusing on your breathing.
Untangle the knot by relaxing your focus and attending to your needs as you breathe.
You need nothing more then the presence that you breathe.
The vitality of your breath releases the rest you need as presence in the moment that is presently happening to your body.
Let that presence discharge your energy into everything surrounding your body as story freed from worry for there is no hurry just be present with me the breath you breathe until you feel yourself descending into your heart of hearts away from any memory in your head, now you are grounded in your body ready to face reality.
Where are you in the present story undistracted by future imaginings or past memories?
What are you currently experiencing?
You are breathing this as history, breathe it into your being.
The legacy of your ancestry is the moment you are presently experiencing.
You are dead already now enjoy purgatory without any memory of the past life you were living left to haunt your memory by remembering that adjacent moments have no barring on the present experience that’s happening; not even half remembered dreams of sensations you were feeling that you thought were revealing an explanation that was healing.
Simply allow yourself to be angry with sorrows that are distressing and move onto breathing through the pain of grieving becoming ever more confident in your sentiment that everything you need is presently happening already.
Now present your body with the sensitivity you need to reign supreme for innocence has stayed within your being and carried you through this day in such a way that at it’s eve you find yourself searching your memory for every little thing that you want to recall gratefully and it will remain with you for the rest of eternity; this is the revelation of great mystery— within every moment is the invitation to be present and in every evening a reason to remember gratefully that which you grieve by ending a temporary season of life-giving breath that lasts the breadth of the day the distance of your deeds remaining forever as comforting memories like little mustard seeds.
Your heart is full, your mind is blind, in time you’ll find that everything’s fine.