The dream I have for today, like all things, is given to me as a free gift, I need not seek to secure it but receive it with sincere humility as a privilege I am deserving simply for being me.
It is a peaceful dream of perfect serenity, revealing that am entitled to what I am already deserving.
The ability to serve myself the best story for my life long journey.
The answer we are looking for is so rarely the one we need.
I use to worship fear but then she drew near and made everything clear and now I have nothing left but cheer.
I have learned that serving lightens everything until I am lacking nothing.
The warmth of her maternal energy enraptures me entirely making it difficult to leave as I desire to acquire higher power by climbing trees whose leaves fall to her soil, I toil in vain, for the perspective from above is the same as below, the surety of safety and security come from society. My sound silence is profound surrender as I remember that sensitivity is supreme.
Restored is my psyche to my body as my soul reveals I’ve always been whole in reality.
Remembering myself fully by asking love to lead.
The story viewed from the outside in is perceived through a lens of fear and inwards out with a lens of love and then I realize I am the story and the lens is me and so there is only one question I have left to ask about reality... how do I effectively filter information and distribute it efficiently in a way that my orientation in the story can be readily know with precise accuracy?
Thus, allowing me to position myself appropriately and find my way back to the home of becoming after wandering into the realm of lost souls who have forgotten their knowing.
I was bored and so I felt a longing for anger and fear, the injustice and the unfairness of inequity outside reality intrigued me and so I exited my story and began explore fictitious lands of scarcity having forgotten my own history. I lost my way back home until fear drew near wiped my tear and whispered in my ear, “I am here, I am you and the story of love awaits,” resorting a crystal clear view of what is true and in the end I was renewed.
Does this then not somehow soften the edges of realty a bit and make her like a doting mother who never leaves nor abandons you?
But remember that I can choose to forget who I am and who I am in her, blurring the situation and obscuring the details, portraying an occasion that conveys a compelling tale to entertain myself with mystery and I can enter into this fantasy confidently and watch how that confidence ebbs and flows throughout the story until something hooks me and begins gravitating me back to reality, where the center of the story is love. I am her and she is me and everyone is happy because suffering was a pass time of make believe and from those haunting memories we take our leave forgiving our misdeeds by returning to a holistic state of deity merged with humanity.
You see she breeds mystery and breathes wisdom that exceeds understanding and so I yearn to know her through this process of thrilling story telling where I feel lost to her mercy and the grace that is compelling, that is the magical feeling at which I find myself marveling.
The security of distributing information efficiently and the safety of effective filtration elicits such a sensation of surety that fascination finds intrigue with investing in society by silently surrendering every sound it makes, finding sensitivity to this story as a supreme experience worth noting and in the end everything begins circling back to perfection in this present moment and self acceptance repairs the journeys path upon which we’ve been sojourning and things that have been seen are made clean as our conscience grows clear and we embrace and grieve with a tear as the past that was enraging is seen with a perspective that calms this arousal and the pain that was blinding we see revealing a vision that is comforting and restored to us is a sense of belonging worth believing as an opportunity to appreciate what has happened begins releasing our expectation of what we were anticipating, trusting instead that everything has endless capacity to repeat in any pattern our sovereign intentions find interesting. Thus, accurately orienting us in love whose gratitude gives us a refreshed and renewed attitude despite the memories we once made that were rude, crewed, lewd and nude.
So why not take a spin resting and then revisit this after depolarizing having completely digested the memories we’ve ingested.
I’m not suggesting.
I’m observing that this is happening.
I’m unplugging.
Fairwell for now.