Release your fear of anger and your sadness will be made clear as your draw near to the fear you’ve released.
She is a thief whose mask is love.
I am not secularly religious.
I don’t give into fads of any time period, age or generation of this world.
I am timelessly religious to serving in every moment that I am experiencing in my body because I am not here to please anybody with my social uniformity nor compliance but to defy cultural traditions when they cease to suit the needs of the collective.
If the conditions are not in this present moment fitting with who I am sincerely becoming already then I will not allow their patterns to betray the eventuality of who I am evolving and mutating into daily.
Regardless the benefit of any social or secular religious convention I will not acquiesce to its demands if it hinders the natural order of my conviction that I am experiencing from the perspective of my own perception.
Inform me, but do not rule me.
I have come to place my faith in the past and I trust in producing a hope for the future that I believe allows me to accept the present moment of love that I am living; it is a constant state of ever changing interest that curries my attention attracting my focus and fostering fascination worthy of my notation.
Such a persuasion is beyond explanation and so I don’t bother exhausting myself with decisions for I have decided to absolve myself of absolutes and simply play with this journey that is unfolding before me as a never ending benevolent story of happiness, joy, felicity and peaceful ennui whose love compels me to share and tell my story generously without reason or expectation because I am enraptured with appreciating the history I am participating in as the eventualities that unfold in the next moments breath of reality producing feelings that ground me in the identity of who I am becoming already...me!
I am mercies body and graces psyche magically housed in a soul set aside for me.
I am reassigning magic to mean me without laboring in effort to manipulate anything intentionally by engaging in asking, trusting, expecting and receiving without demanding, complaining, forcing or controlling knowing that I am entitled to what I deserve without taking.
I am contently living in the uncertain mystery of unknown stories that are unfolding in reality as they lead me to the next chapter of life’s never ending journey, maybe they are south and artsy maybe they include an unmet part of me.
Either way I am marrying the passive subject of receptivity with the active object of initiation as I pioneer a new field of discovery that enjoys exploring simply for the pleasure of freely mastering something that contributes to society.
The realm of emotions intrigues me for her sorrow lets me cry, her anger pushes back and her fear draws near to make things clear.