We are entertained in death and educated in life.
I live twice, first to death then to life.
The purpose of my story is to find meaning in my place of belonging.
How could anything be more entertaining?
The tribe I am building I hope to surround me for eternity.
A life long tribe becomes a pride.
A community from whom we never hide.
I am entrusting my joy to you.
You are deciding everything for me within the confines of your timeless incorruptibility.
The legacy I leave behind for future ancestry is about them not me.
Everyone is part of this world and I love them all equally as a part me without reasoning or want of what they have to meet my own needs.
You know you are loving without reasoning, conditioning or wanting when you can smell everything you are breathing.
I love vulnerably without reason.
I communicate my needs clearly.
I engage in intimacy without fear of judgment or rejection.
I accept the affirmations and criticisms of those who love me with appreciation for their caring interest in my story knowing that they intend to inform me so that I might learn and grow beneficially from what they are teaching in whatever way they communicate these things to me.
I enjoy learning who I am becoming in social community.
I have no fear of conflict for its tension is resolved by proceeding into intimate communication revealing to myself and everybody a genuine need that is authentically me.
Conflict is tension of communication resolving itself through deepened intimacy, it is the grinding stone that refines me into who I am actually, that I might occupy the same space as the rest of humanity.
I cling not to innocence but let it proceed from me.
Innocent intimacy resolves the tension of conflict.
I am a vulnerable soul and that is a strength not a weakness because I consider what ever toll it takes as sold.
I say you get me, but what I should say is thank you for revealing myself to me.