The age of absolutes is three and it stays with me for eternity.
I give up to you my want for more want of absolutism.
Only love can awake me now.
Yes, we are always in pain and that’s living.
Pain like love is absolute.
You love those the most whose pain pleasure calm ecstasy and ennui bring you the most ecstasy because you love seeing them become the fullness of both their divinity and humanity simultaneously.
I am waiting for grace.
I am sociable, lovable and loving.
The story of grace.
Grace is the belly of my body.
Mercy the psyche of my mind.
Magic the soul of my heart
Sensitivity is supreme.
Sensitivity is softened by caring for the passive subject.
Insensitivity is hardened by indifference towards the active object.
I am making magic innocent again by first forgiving the toll and secondly releasing control.
Thus, perfectly purifying my intentionality.
The cold cruel coal train of criticism.
The joy is simply to extract resolution.
The magic is simply to attract attention.
The mercy is simply to retract detention.
The grace is simply to protract convention.
The happiness is simply to contract tension.
We can share complementary dream states until an item of essential gravity substantially shifts reality for one or both parties sharing the same fantasy.
Thus, altering their narratives to a lesser degree of compatibility.
If the story we share is magic mercy and grace there is no space the story can take us where we aren’t in the same place.
Things of this nature have a greater degree of gravity then we see forthcoming.
I trust in past faith to keep me safe and secure.
I believe in future hope to help me cope with silent surrender.
I accept present love to shove me into social community.
I become lasting peace to enjoy sound surety.
I receive eternal joy to sustain supreme sensitivity.
I am humbly obedient to who I am already.
The true way of life is good and right insight.
I am organized as reality.
The final act:
Conclude that there is no conspiracy.
Set suspicion free.
Your intentions have been purified and your motivates cleansed of imperfection.
Innocence: assured
Access: guaranteed