
My work ethic is applied to endurance and strength training with a high degree of intentionality towards stretching and flexibility while focusing on breathing throughout the entirety of practicing, ever increasing in productive activity.

I am pure potentiality.

I am set free.

My effectiveness is me in sincerity.

I have a subtle style of humble sophistication, silent swagger and clever class.

You can’t lose control but you you can learn from pain. 

Focus follows you everywhere you go inviting you to attend to her desires. 

You are undisturbed by instability, you have gone the distance and are motivated by exploring the fullest extent of love.

You share a fascination with extending the health and capacity of the soul the body and the psyche by exploring individual characters stories within the scheme of the overarching narrative theme of who we are becoming as a social beings cultured to participate in collaborative freedom, mastering our own unique and special abilities that contribute to collective society, providing us with meaning, purpose and belonging. Making every day an adventure worth exploring as we pioneer new territories in the great mysteries of divine humanities hidden cause.

What is attention?

It is your hair on end.

Attend to attention by rewarding it with play.

Resensitizing contrasting feelings.

Negotiate with noticing to focus on what is still noteworthy without worrying about the natural process of releasing overindulging. 

Thus, decreasing desire to acquire more of the same even if the same is a claim to gain more novelty by naming it insane. 

I am enough already.

I want to feel myself sensing my body and it’s proximate environment of reality more sensitively.

I am fostering a feast for fascination by admiring and becoming entranced with something as mondäne as the seam of my pants.

Ecstatic felicity is me.



